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24th Millennium Entrepreneurship Programme 第二十四屆千禧企業家精神計劃
Aug 26, 2024

恭喜我校五位中五同學於「第二十四屆千禧企業家精神計劃」MEP24 (Millennium Entrepreneurship Program)勇奪佳績!在全港51間學校、共100隊隊伍中成功奪得全場總冠軍及最佳團隊獎!

Congratulations to the 5 form 5 students for their outstanding performance in the "MEP24 Millennium Entrepreneurship Program” and they successfully won the overall championship and Best Team Spirit award among 100 teams in 51 schools across Hong Kong!


今年比賽主題為ESG(環境、社會、治理),同學需要發揮企業家精神,參與不同工作坊、體驗活動及撰寫企業發展報告,並於決賽中向各界別評審及近百人觀眾前作出商業提案(pitching)及接受質詢。經過數月的努力,同學設計了一個網上一站式環保服務平台,為培養市民建立回收習慣出一分力。同學設計理念為:「源•里 一切皆源自於你」。我們響應政府垃圾徵費措施,並選擇從源頭減廢、末端處理著手,更推動綠色共享經濟,以達至ESG(環境、社會、治理)三方面的可持續發展。

This year's theme is ESG(Environment, Society, and Governance), and students need to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit, write business proposals, and pitch their ideas to various industry judges and nearly a hundred audience members in the preliminary and final rounds. After months of hard work, our schoolmates designed an online one-stop environmental protection service platform to contribute to cultivating citizens' recycling habits. The design concept is: "源•里 一切皆源自於你". We respond to the government's waste charging system and choose to start by reducing waste at the source and treating it at the end, to promote a green sharing economy to achieve sustainable development in ESG (Environment, Society, and Governance).



The judges praised the students for their professionalism as a team, their creative presentation skills, and their practical design concepts. The championship team will be awarded a total of $10,000 as recognition.




The list of award-winning students is as follows:
5C20 Luo Hoi Tung
5C27 Ye Yuen Yi Eva
5C31 Zhang Cheuk Ying
5D16 Li Ming Chak
5E24 Zhang Yubo