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PolyU Design Hatch award competition 理大做好設計獎
Oct 24, 2024

3 students from Design and Technology society participated in a design competition called Design Hatch award, from School of Design in Hong Kong Polytechnic university. The teams definitely dedicated their focus and engagement in their design development. Their topic, Playground for special disable kids, won the competitions and got the top achievements: 
1.the winner of community, space and service design.
2.The best of the best award from the professional judges. 


The 3 students are: 

4A Tam Tsz Tung
4A Liu Xuan Yu 
5C Zheng Yee Fei


3 名來自設計及科技學會的高中同學參加了由香港理工大學設計學院舉辦的 Design Hatch awards 設計比賽。團隊無疑在設計發展過程中 發揮她們高水平的設計才能。最後以「特殊殘障兒童遊樂場」的設計贏得了比賽,並獲得了最高榮譽:

1. 社區、空間與服務設計冠軍。
2. 全場最優秀設計大獎。


獲獎的 3 名學生分別是:

4A 班的譚梓彤、劉軒宇,以及 5C 班的鄭依菲。