An individual counselling session for F.6 students was held on 16th November, 2024. With the help of the Vice-Principal, the Assistant Principals, CGC teachers, F.6 Form Teachers, F.6 Assistant Form Teachers and four “My Way” social workers from Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, each F.6 student was given advice on how to make decisions for their post-secondary education, rank their JUPAS programme choices, and make plans that help them achieve their goals. Additionally, we invited six tertiary institutions to set up an Information Expo on Multiple Pathways to help Form Six students and their parents gain a deeper understanding of the various pathways for further education.
中六個別輔導在十一月十六日舉行。由副校長、助理校長、升學就業輔導組老師、中六正副班主任和東華三院My Way社工擔任輔導員,與中六同學共商升學計劃,並於聯招排序給予意見。另外,為了協助同學加深了解多元升學出路,特別增設「多元升學資訊站」,學生可以了解更多升學資訊,並可向各院校職員查詢院校及課程特色、收生分數、面試情況、報名詳情等等,並歡迎學生及家長參加。