Our school's Symphonic Band has been invited to participate in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts "Wind Marathon" performance at the Academy's Concert Hall. They performed alongside the Academy's alumni wind band, a brass quintet, and a wind ensemble to celebrate the Academy's 40th anniversary. The program included two award-winning pieces from this year's Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows, as well as the piece "Christmas Gathering" to celebrate the upcoming Christmas season with the audience.
本校管樂團獲邀參與香港演藝學院「管樂馬拉松」演出,於香港演藝學院音樂廳,與香港演藝學院校友管樂團、銅管五重奏、管樂十重奏同場演出,以慶祝香港演藝學院四十週年校慶。當天樂團演奏曲目包括於本年度香港青年音樂匯演獲獎的兩首曲目,更演奏了Christmas Gathering一曲與觀眾喜迎聖誕佳節。