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第五十九屆學校舞蹈節 59th Schools Dance Festival
Jul 27, 2023
「傳承・詩詞伴我行」唐詩朗誦節 Tang Poems Recitation Festival
Jul 26, 2023
第三十四屆中學生閱讀報告比賽 The 34th Annual Book Report Competition for Secondary School Students
Jul 26, 2023
香港創科展 初中組 The Hong Kong Science Fair (junior division)
Jul 22, 2023
香港創科展 高中組 The Hong Kong Science Fair (senior division)
Jul 22, 2023
綠色校園創想家計劃 Sustainable School Explorer Programme
Jul 21, 2023
「古詩詞遇見中國地理」常識大賽 “When Classical Poetry Meets Chinese Geography” Knowledge Contest
Jul 18, 2023
中國語文菁英計劃 Chinese Language Elite Programme
Jul 06, 2023
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